
Additional PHP Instances Addon

If you're finding that your project's production PHP CPU is maxing out, then you might want to increase the number of PHP instances that your project has available using the "Additional PHP Instances" addon.

An instance on Servd represents a PHP server that has:

  • A pool of 5 child worker processes that concurrently handle user requests.
  • Just under 1.5 cores of CPU time.
  • 800MB of total memory, where each worker has access to a maximum of 512MB by default.
  • It's own independent filesystem.

The number of instances running in each project's production environment depends on the plan you're on. Starter has 1 instance, Enhanced has 2 instances and Pro has 3.

Note: every project's staging and development environments have 1 instance by default. If you're interested in increasing that, let us know and we can organise a custom plan for you.

Applying this addon #

To increase the number of additional PHP instances, perform the following steps:

  1. Visit the "Addons" section your project's Plan page.

  2. Under the "Additional PHP Instances" row, click the "+" and "-" buttons to add or remove instances.

  3. Click the "Apply" button on the same row to view the price breakdown (no change will be made or charge taken at this point)

  4. Click the confirm button to apply the addon. This will take a charge from your team's billing card and then immediately perform a sync afterwards to deploy the upgrade.