About Us

Craft CMS Hosting, built by Craft CMS Developers

Who We Are

Our team has worked with web tech for over 15 years in roles including Software Developer, Agency Head of Development, Freelancer and Consultant.

We've struggled the same struggles that you've encountered learning how DNS works and cursed the rate of turnover of javascript libraries.

Over the last few we've increasingly moved towards the DevOps and Infrastructure space, building massively scalable platforms for the music industry. Now we're trying to share what we've learnt in the form of a hosting platform for our favourite CMS platform: Craft.

We also use a lot of emojis because we believe in fun. 👯

Who We Aren't

If you've ever felt as though your hosting provider might actually just be a data centre that has become sentient and is trying to sell off its own spare capacity, that is not us.

As well as implementing cool technology, we believe in a good customer experience. So we aren't VC backed and we aren't scaling to millions of users as quickly as possible (although we would like to buy an island one day 🏝). Instead, we'll be focusing on building a product and process which makes your life a little bit better.

We Are Open

In terms of transparency.

If you're considering putting your trust in us, we think it's only fair that you know what you're getting yourself in to. So we share everything we're doing.

If you want to know something about the company or team, just drop us an email or use live chat.