
Transfer A Project

If you'd like to transfer ownership of a project to another team, here's a few steps that'll help you pass on the baton:

  1. Ask the new owner to visit the Team Invite page and invite your user to their team.

    Transferring to a client that's not on Servd yet? Then try our bespoke Invite a Client flow, which creates a team for your client in a nice, straightforward wizard.

  2. Accept the email invite from the new owner.

  3. Visit the housekeeping settings of the project.

  4. Under the "Transfer Project" section, choose the new team from the dropdown.

  5. Click the "Transfer" button.

  6. The project now belongs to the new team. 🙌

Note: if the project is currently on a paid plan, the new team must have their billing address and payment method set up in their billing settings before the project can be transferred.