Enhanced SLA

Servd comes with a standard SLA for all projects which can be upgraded to an enhanced SLA on a per-project basis. Here's a breakdown of the differences.

Infrastructure Response
Infrastructure alert response within 15 minutes. Standard priority for per-project recovery in the event of node or networking failure.
Infrastructure alert response within 15 minutes. Top priority for per-project recovery.
Uptime Guarantee
99.9% uptime guarantee. Any customer-facing downtime beyond this is refundable in increments of 10% of the monthly fee per 30 mins downtime. Up to a maximum of the total monthly fee.
99.95% uptime guarantee. Any customer-facing downtime beyond this is refundable in increments of 10% of the total monthly fee per 15 mins downtime. Up to a maximum of the total monthly fee.
Customer Service Response
UK business hours customer support with a maximum 3 hours response time.
24/7, max 30 min response time for P1 issues (downtime for multiple users) Dedicated Slack Channel for day-to-day communication.
24/7 monitoring of over 300 individual metrics throughout the infrastructure and your project. Alerts routed via an on-call system to appropriate Servd team members.
Bespoke monitoring and alerting of incoming traffic and error response rates to alert our team to potential problems.

Upgrading your project to an Enhanced SLA comes at additional monthly cost, get in touch via our support chat or support@servd.host to find out more.